Master Theses
If you are interested in doing your Master Thesis (“Bildungswissenschaften”, “Fachdidaktik PP”, “Fachdidaktik Biologie und Umweltkunde”) within our research group, this information will be helpful.
Jörg Zumbach offers supervision of master’s theses on the following topics:
- Cognitive effects of learning with technologies
- Motivational aspects of learning with technologies
- Educational and socialization effects of digital technologies
Hermann Astleitner offers supervision for master’s theses on the following topics:
- Education and human development: critical thinking, affective learning
- Social research methods: theory development, intervention research

Most theses are related to use of such digital technologies (including, for example, multimedia learning, learning with simulations and animations, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, etc.).
A thesis will be an empirical research project, usually using a social science experimental approach. This requires an introduction covering theoretical approaches of the study, a literature review on (recent) research findings, the study itself and a discussion. Your thesis could be either in German or in English. It is recommended (but not required) to attend the specialization “Themenmodul Schule 4.0” and “Forschungspraktikum Quantitative Methoden der Bildungsforschung”.
A thesis usually uses APA-guidelines and is about 60-80 pages long.
Our team will support you in designing the study, introducing you into the research topic and literature, and data analysis.
If you are interested in further details do not hesitate to contact:
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